How to Install MongoDB on Mac (Catalina)
A brief introduction to install and setup MongoDB.
In order to install MongoDB on your Mac, you should first install HomeBrew which is a package manager for Mac OS.
You can check if brew is already installed on your computer with this command in terminal:
brew --version
If you can’t see any version of brew you should install it. The following code snippets are terminal commands.
- Install Brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
2. Find the MongoDB tab
brew tap mongodb/brew
3. Install MongoDB
brew install mongodb-community
Now that you installed MongoDB you can create the db folder.
4. Create a new folder using sudo command:
sudo mkdir -p /System/Volumes/Data/data/db
Since you are using sudo command it may ask for a password. Enter the password you type when you open your Mac, and hit enter.
5. Give permission:
sudo chown -R `id -un` /System/Volumes/Data/data/db
6. Run MongoDB with brew
brew services run mongodb-community
7. Check whether MongoDB is running:
brew services list
You should see started status as green next to mongodb-community:
When you are done with MongoDB you can ask HomeBrew to stop running mongo.
Use this command to stop MongoDB:
brew services stop mongodb-community
It’s time to use mongo shell with mongo command, and you can follow the topic in the next article.
Thanks for reading,
Take care,